Glomera muscicola (P.Royen) J.M.H. Shaw

Glomera muscicola (P. Royen) J.M.H. Shaw, Alp. Fl. New Guinea 2:655 (1979)- Type: Brass 9057 (holotype, BM; isotype BRI, L, AMES)

Growth form Epiphyte or terrestrial, erect, much branched, up to 60 cm high. Rhizome ca. 1 mm in diameter. Roots filiform, flexible, glabrous. Stem cylindrical, glabrous, proliferously leafed, completely covered by leaf sheaths, internodes 0.6-2 cm long. Leaf oblong, oblong-ovate or elliptic-oblong, erect-patent, coriaceous, glabrous or slightly warty, midrib slightly prominent on either side; apex unequally 2-lobed, both lobes obtuse; lamina 1.8-2.5 cm long, 0.25-0.45 cm wide; sheath tubular, tight, many-ribbed, scattered warty mainly in apical part, 0.5-2 cm long; apex toothed, with bristled margin, bristles 0.2-0.3 mm long, densely warty. Inflorescences terminal, one-flowered, when young enveloped by a spathe. Spathe ovoid, ribbed, glabrous, apex acute, 1 cm long; floral bracts transparent, thin, glabrous, up to 1.5 cm long. Flowers upright, glabrous. Median sepal elliptic-ovate, glabrous, 5-nerved at base, 8-nerved in higher parts, apex conoid-apiculate, 1.5 cm long, 0.5 cm wide. Lateral sepals free, obliquely falcate, ovate-oblong, glabrous, 5-nerved at base, 8-nerved in higher parts, apex acute, conoid-apiculate, base ovate-triangular-auricled widened. Petal elliptic-ovate, glabrous, wider towards the middle than the lateral sepals, 5-nerved at base, 7-nerved in higher parts, apex obtuse, 0.75 cm long, 0.5 cm wide. Lip adnate to base of the column, free part semiorbicular, 7-nerved, glabrous, 0.8 cm long, 0.8 cm wide; epichile obtuse; hypochile spurred; spur clavate, glabrous, apex rounded, flattened on upper side, 1.4 cm long, 0.3 cm wide. Column short, stout, 0.3 cm long, 0.2 cm wide; clinandrium irregularly dentate; stelidia not seen. Anther not seen; pollinia not seen; stigma not seen; viscidium not present. Ovary cylindrical-clavate, 3-ribbed, each double one, 0.9 cm long. Capsule not seen.

Distribution – Indonesia.

Habitat and Ecology – Epiphyte or terrestrial in upper montane forest along lake Habbema. Altitude 3225 m. Flowering season not known.

Notes -  1. Flowers pale green.

2. The epithet muscicola refers to the moss-like color of the flowers (musci- means moss –cola means like in Latin).

3. Specimen observed: Brass 9057.