Glomera schultzei Schltr.

Glomera schultzei Schltr.,Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 58:81 (1922)- Type :  Schultze 310 (holotype, B lost)

Growth form Epiphyte, apparently much branched. Rhizome not seen. Roots filiform, long, flexible, glabrous. Stem rigid, proliferously leafed, completely covered by leaf sheaths. Leaf linear-lanceolate, erect-patent, carnose, coriaceous, glabrous; apex unequally 2-lobed, both lobes obtuse; base shortly attenuate; lamina 3-5.5 cm long, 0.5-0.7 cm wide; sheath tight, finely warty; apex with or without tooth, with or without bristles. Inflorescences terminal, multi-flowered, nodding, 1.5 cm long, 1 cm across, when young enveloped by a spathe. Spathe not seen; floral bracts elliptic-cucullate, as long as the ovary. Flowers upright, glabrous. Median sepal elliptic-oblong, 0.5 cm long, apiculate. Lateral sepals at base saccate-concave, fused to above the middle. Petal obliquely obovate, obtuse, almost as long as the sepals. Lip subquadrangular, 0.3 cm long, 0.28 cm wide, carnose; epichile broadly obtuse; hypochile subglobose-saccate, spurred; spur almost shorter than the blade. Column short; clinandrium dorsally obtusely triangular; stelidia not seen. Anther not seen; rostellum not seen; stigma very broad; pollinia not seen; viscidium absent. Ovary cylindrical, sessile, 0.4 cm long. Capsule not seen.

Distribution – Papua New Guinea.

Habitat and Ecology – not known. Flowering season not known.

Notes -  1. Flowers white.

2. The epithet  schultzei refers to Dr. Leonhard Schultze Jena, the collector of the type specimen of the species.

3. Specimen observed: Schultze 310.