Glomera schlechteriana Mansf.

Glomera schlechteriana Mansf.,Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 62:464 (1929)- Type :  Keysser 91 (holotype, B lost)

Growth form Epiphyte. Rhizome not seen. Roots filiform, long, flexible, glabrous. Stem long, branched, cylindrical, proliferously leafed, completely covered by leaf sheaths, internodes 0.6-2 cm long, flowering twig c. 2.5 cm long. Leaf lanceolate, erect-patent, narrowed towards apex, entire, coriaceous; apex apiculate; base subpetiolate; lamina 2-3.5 cm long, 0.3-0.4 cm wide; sheath tubular, longitudinally grooved, warty; apex with or without tooth, with bristled margin. Inflorescences terminal, one-flowered, when young enveloped by a spathe. Spathe 2.4 cm long; floral bracts equally long with spathe. Flowers upright, glabrous, sepals and petals reflexed, carnose. Median sepal narrowly lanceolate, narrowed towards apex, 1.7 cm long, 0.4 cm wide. Lateral sepals obliquely narrowly lanceolate, 1.6 cm long, base 0.4 cm wide, fused almost to the middle, base in front dilated into an oblong-ovate, obtuse lobe. Petal narrowly lanceolate, 1.7 cm long, 0.15 cm wide. Lip triangular-ovate, erect, margin undulate, 2 cm long, 0.01 cm in diameter; epichile indistinctly 3-lobed, acute; hypochile spurred; spur narrowly tubular, obtuse Column 0.35 cm long, along the entire length adnate to the lip; clinandrium along the margin coarsely crenate; stelidia not seen. Anther not seen; rostellum not seen; stigma not seen; pollinia not seen; viscidium absent. Ovary not seen. Capsule not seen.

Distribution – Papua New Guinea.

Habitat and Ecology – Epiphyte in montane forest. Altitude 3000 m. Flowering season not known.

Notes - 1. Color of flowers not recorded.

2. The epithet schlechteriana refers to R. Schlechter who wrote die Orchidaceen von Deutsch New Guinea.

3. Specimen observed Keysser 91.