Glomera subeciliata J.J.Sm.

Glomera subeciliata J.J.Sm., Nova Guinea 14:379 (1929)- Type: H.J. Lam 1825 (holotype, L; isotype, BM)


Growth form Terrestrial. Rhizome ca. 1 mm in diameter. Roots filiform, flexible, glabrous. Stem long, much branched, rooted, flexible, compressed, proliferously leafed, completely covered by leaf sheaths, internodes 1.5-1.75 cm long, 0.2 cm wide. Leaf erect-patent, ovate-lanceolate, narrowed towards apex, margin acute, both sides canaliculated, longitudinally convex, on the back making an obtuse-angle, apex keel-shaped, carnose, rigid, with sparsely furfuraceous-punctate below only; apex obtuse to slightly 2-lobed; base cuneate, shortly petiolate; lamina without petiole 2.2-2.5 cm long, 0.575 cm wide, petiole 0.15-0.3 cm long; sheath tubular, surpassing internodes, compressed, sparsely furfuraceous-punctate, apex sometimes sparsely warty, 0.33 cm wide; apex without tooth, sometimes with a few short hairs. Inflorescences glabrous, 1-flowered, when young enveloped by a spathe. Spathe tubular, prominently nerved, furfuraceous-punctate, membranaceous, apex acute, apiculate, carinate, 1.4 cm long; floral bracts transparent, thin, smaller than spathe, enclosing the spur and ovary, apex exapiculata, 1.7 cm long. Flowers upright, glabrous, 2.6 cm wide. Median sepal oblong-elliptic, 3-nerved, outer nerve branched, apex obtuse, conical-apiculate, 1.85 cm long, 0.73 cm wide. Lateral sepals oblique ovate-oblong, falcate, apex obtuse, subulate-apiculate, anterior margin dilated, edge of the base subtriangular, obtuse, 2-lobed, concave, appressing the spur, 0.5 cm long connate, 3-nerved, 1.45 cm long, 0.575 cm wide. Petal base shortly cuneate-unguiculate, orbicular-elliptic, apex obtuse, 3-nerved, outer nerves branched, back longitudinally furrowed, with claw 0.36 cm long, 1.77 cm long, 1.1 cm wide. Lip in total 1.8 cm long, carnose, very cucullate-concave, lateral margin narrowly recurved, longitudinally furrowed below, lower part adnate to the column, up to apex of ovary 0.45 cm long, free part 0.23 cm long, when flattened wedge-shaped, free part transversely oblong, with rounded ends, 0.5 cm long, free part 0.2 cm long, 0.5 cm wide; epichile truncate, middle of lobule with short blunt hollow, with blackish glands, triangular shaped; hypochile not thickened, spurred; spur appressed against the ovary, linear, straight, hardly compressed, back channeled, apex 2-lobed, 1.35 cm long. Column more than half adnate to the lip, apex slightly 2-lobed, in cross section transversely triangular, 0.325 cm long; clinandrium deeply excavate, transverse oval, margin toothed, apex obtuse; stelidia dentiform, the upper edge with a tooth. Anther cucullate, front sheath with a small, 3-lobed conative, apex rounded-triangular, recurved, apical margin thickened, 0.14 cm wide; pollinia 4, not compressed, 2 obovate, 2 ovate, exterior convex, inside flat, excavate, oval, 0.075 cm long; rostellum surpassing stelidia, rounded, obtuse 2-lobed; stigma prominent, inferior margin incurved, retuse; viscidium not seen. Ovary cylindrical, 3-ribbed, with minutely furfuraceous-punctate, 1.65 cm long. Capsule not seen.

Distribution – Mamberamo, Indonesia.

Habitat and Ecology – Terrestrial in the ridge towards the top of Mt. Doorman. Altitude 2700 m. Flowering in October in the wild

Notes -  1. Roots light brown, leaves green beneath, petiole light green, sheaths darkbrown, flowers snow-white except for a small brown spot at the top of the lip, column yellow, ovary greenish yellow.

2. The epithet subeciliata refers to the leaf sheaths lacking marginal hairs (sub- means almost e- means without –ciliata means marginal hairs in Latin)

3. Specimen observed: H.J. Lam 1825