Glomera celebica (Schltr.) J.J.Sm.

Glomera celebica (Schltr.) J.J.Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 2(8) :12 (1912)

Glossorhyncha celebica Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10:39 (1911) – Type : Schlechter  20416 (Holotype K)*

*the holotype does not classify as a  holotype in the Kew database (accessed on Plant Jstore) K 000810782

Growth form Epiphyte, much branched, up to 50 cm high. Rhizome ca 2 mm in diameter. Root filiform, elongated, flexible, glabrous. Stem branches more or less flexible, proliferously leafed, 1 mm in diameter, internodes 0.5-1.5 cm. Leaf linear, patent, carnose; apex acute; base narrowed; lamina 1.3-2.5 long, 2-2.5 mm wide; sheath tight, tubular, scattered warty, many-ribbed; apex toothed, with bristled margin, bristles ca 0.5 mm long. Inflorescences terminal, one-flowered, when young enveloped by a spathe. Spathe ovate, sparsely covered with small scales on the outside, ca. 1.34 cm long, apex apiculate; floral bracts  ovate, thin, transparent. Flower upside-down, ca. 1 cm across. Median sepal oblong-ligulate, 1.2 cm long, ca. 0.42 cm wide, apex obtuse. Lateral sepal falcate-oblique, ca. 0.95 cm long, 0.3 cm wide, apex obliquely obtuse, base widened Petals oblique subspathulate-oblong, glabrous, ca. 1.15 cm long, 0.36 cm wide, apex obtuse. Lip ovate, glabrous, 0.4 cm long; epichile obtuse; hypochile  spurred; spur elongated subfiliform, base narrowed, widened toward apex, apex obtuse, 1.2 cm long. Column glabrous, ca. 0.32 cm long;  clinandrium minutely toothed. Anther not seen. Ovary cylindric, glabrous, 1.3 cm long, glabrous. Capsule not seen.                                                                                                                           

Distribution –Indonesia.

Habitat and Ecology - Epiphyte in the montane forest on Mt. Masarang (Minahasa). Altitude 1200 m. Flowering in November in the wild.

Notes - 1. Flowers snowy white.

2. The epithet celebica refer to the location where the holotype was found, the island of Sulawesi, formerly called Celebes.

4. Specimen observed:  K000810782.