Glomera graminifolia Schltr.

Glomera graminifolia  Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 58:79 (1922)- Type : Ledermann 12389 (Holotype, B lost; para Ledermann 12594; 12595)

Growth form Epiphyte, branched, slender, somewhat pendant, up to 50 cm high. Rhizome not seen. Roots filiform, long, flexible, glabrous. Stem slightly compressed, proliferously leafed, completely covered by leaf sheaths. Leaf  erect-patent, grass-like, narrowly lanceolate-linear, glabrous, thin-textured; apex unequally 2-lobed, both lobes subacute; lamina 8-12 cm long, 0.5-0.7 cm wide; sheath tubular, minutely and densely finely warty; apex toothed, with glabrous margin. Inflorescences terminal, many-flowered, nodding, sessile, sub-globose or elliptic, 1.3 cm across, 1.7 cm long, when young enveloped by a spathe. Spathe suborbicular, apex apiculate; floral bracts transparent, thin, elliptic-cucullate, pointed, almost as long as the ovary. Flowers upright, glabrous. Median sepal  broadly elliptic, apex obtuse, 0.45 cm long. Lateral sepals saccate-concave at base, connate almost up to the middle. Petal obliquely elliptic, apex obtuse, almost as long as the sepals. Lips broadly obovate, 0.25 cm long;  epichile obtuse; hypochile thickened, spurred; spur 0.3 cm long. Column slightly more than a third as long as the lip; clinandrium with few teeth, triangular at the back; stelidia not seen. Anther not seen; rostellum not seen; stigma not seen; pollinia not seen; viscidium not seen. Ovary cylindrical, sessile. Capsule not seen.

Distribution –Papua New Guinea.

Habitat and Ecology - Epiphyte in montane forest. Altitude 1400-1500 m. Flowering in June and July in the wild.

Notes -  1. Flowers light yellow or whitish with purple-red or bright orange-red lip blade.

2. The epithet  graminifolia refers to the grass-shaped (=elongate)  leaves of the species.

3. Specimen observed: MS Clemens 41384 (AMES)