Glomera fuscosetosa Schuit. & de Vogel

Glomera fuscosetosa Schuit. & de Vogel, Malesian Orchid J. 9:9 (2011) – Type: HBL 20030209 (holotype, LAE; isotype L)

Growth form Epiphyte, erect, 9-20 cm high. Rhizome 1-2 mm in diameter. Root filiform, up to 7 mm long, flexible, glabrous. Stem tufted, slender, densely branching, proliferously leafed, 1.2 mm in diameter across the leaf sheaths, internodes 3.7 mm long. Leaf obliquely ovate, carnose, patent, more or less spreading in one plane with the stem; apex obtuse with strongly unequal halves; lamina 4.5-6 mm long, 2.5-3.2 mm wide; sheath tight, tubular, brown, 2.7 mm long, finely papillose-warty, especially along the somewhat raised veins; apex toothed, recurved, with bristled and recurved margin, bristle 1-4.5 mm long, patent. Inflorescences terminal, one-flowered, when young enveloped by a spathe. Spathe broadly orbicular, obliquely tubular, with brown dots, 6-8 nerved, 4-6 mm long, 5-6.5 mm wide, muricate, densely covered with spine-like, somewhat wavy, 0.3-0.9 cm long, brown projections with a swollen base; apex acuminate; base cordate; floral bracts  ovate, thin, transparent, less or without muricate, with brown dots, 1-2-nerved, apex apiculate, 0.3-0.55 cm long, 0.29-0.48 cm wide. Flower up-side-down, 1.3 cm across, opening widely. Median sepal narrowly ovate, 3-nerved at base, 5-nerved in higher part, with black dots, 0.69-0.75 cm long, 0.29-0.48 cm wide; apex obtuse, apiculate. Lateral sepal obliquely ovate, 5-6-nerved, 0.65-0.7 cm long, 0.25-0.35 cm wide; apex obtuse, apiculate; base free. Petals obovate-spathulate, 3-nerved at base, 7-nerved in higher part, 0.63-0.72 cm long, 0.33-0.4 cm wide; apex rounded. Lip semiorbicular-ovate, adnate to the base of the column, 0.20-0.3 cm long, 0.23-0.32 cm wide; epichile rounded, 6-nerved, with brown glands; hypochile with longitudinal keel in middle, spurred; spur conical cylindrical, 2.9 mm long, obtuse. Column 0.16 cm long, without column foot; clinandriumn laterally with 3 finger-like projection on each side, at the apex 3-lobed; stigma transverse, very narrow. Anther cucullate, subcordate in outline, 0.13 cm wide, glabrous; pollinia 4, somehow compressed, 0.6-0.8 mm long, 0.5 mm wide. Ovary cylindrical, glabrous, 0.37-0.4 cm long, glabrous. Capsule not seen.                                                                                                                           

Distribution –Papua New Guinea.

Habitat and Ecology - Epiphyte in upper montane forest in the Owen Stanley Range. Altitude 2100-2300 m. Flowering in September in the cultivation in the Hortus botanicus Leiden.

Notes - 1. Flowers white with finely spotted light grey ornamentation on the tip of the lip. Anther light orange-brown., Slightly fragrant.

 2. The epithet fuscosetosa refers to the dark brown bristlyhairs on the leaf sheaths.

4. Specimen observed:  L 4163409 (HBL 20030080); L 0061453 (HBL 20030212) ; Isotype of HBL 20030209 not found yet.