Welcome to our web-based key identification of the orchid genus Glomera (including Glossorhyncha) encompassing a total of 169 species that are distributed from New Guinea, Papua,
For every species, there is a description available of the biology and habitat under Description. Illustrations, maps of the geographical distribution and photographs can be found under Media. Material investigated is listed under Collection specimens.
Two identification keys, a single entry and multi-entry one, were made to fulfill the necessity of scientists and hobbyists interested in this genus.
The keys were made to simplify identification for both novices and experienced orchidologists and will hopefully provide a lot of new information for this overlooked
We gratefully acknowledge the following sources of many of the illustrations, distribution maps and descriptive data used on our site:
- Schuiteman, A. & E.F. de Vogel. 2005. Flora Malesiana: Orchids of New Guinea, vol III; Genera Acanthephippium to Hymenorchis (excluding Dendrobiinae s.l.). CD-ROM, ETI, Amsterdam, Nationaal Herbarium Nederland. Leiden.
- https://orchids.naturalis.nl
- http://www.orchidsnewguinea.com/
If you want to contribute new information or photographs, please contact me through richa.kusumawati@naturalis.nl.